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Berawal dari catatan pribadi mengenai informasi alamat dan nomor telephone rumah makan, bank, bengkel, pedagang sayuran, pedagang ikan, penjual daging, toko buku, toko material, dan lain lain yang ada di daerah Tebet Barat. Kemudian catatan tadi dimasukkan kedalam website Tebet Business Directory yang merupakan pintu gerbang untuk melihat direktori usaha dagang dan situs-situs internet tidak saja yang ada di kawasan Tebet tapi juga mencakup semua tempat yang terjangkau oleh jaringan internet.

e-Travelling Wisata Pantai Siangau MAR20101

Wisata Pantai Siangau, Kecamatan Parit Tiga, Kabupaten Bangka Barat (Kompasiana 22-Agustus-2011).

Kali ini tidak ada rencana khusus pulang kampong ke Muntok, beberapa hari sebelum long week-end Jum’at 22-APR-2011 saya nelpon adik kami Piyai apakah ada ditempat akhir minggu tersebut. Ternyata Piyai dan Cita tidak pergi kemana-mana dan kami janji untuk main ke Muntok.

Tanggal 17-APR-2011 lihat lihat e-ticket Jakarta – Pangkal Pinang berangkat tanggal 21-APR dan pulang tanggal 24-APR, hampir semua airline tujuan Pangkal Pinang – Jakarta penuh, untung kami masih dapat seats di Lion Air. Rupanya banyak penumpang yang sudah booking untuk pulang setelah melaksanakan Ceng Beng atau sembahyang arwah.

Pagi pagi jam 04:45 saya dan istri saya Erry berangkat naik taxi ke Terminal 1B bandara Soekarno Hatta, tiba di bandara lansung check-in dan penerbangan on-time jam 07:00 menuju bandara Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang.

Mau baca kisah lengkapnya silahkan click disini.

e-Kue Kampung 15SEP2010
Kue Lumpang.
Resep Mak Kami, Hasnah Ishak. Mak selalu membuat tiga macam kueh Lumpang, warna Hijau, Putih dan Merah. Sumber: catatan Cita Noviar disalin oleh Erry Safri. Bahan:
1. 300 gr tepung beras cap Bunga
2. Hijau: Air daun Suji campur Pandan tambah tiga sendok sayur ukuran sedang gula pasir. More...
Kue Lumpang Mentok

e-Travelling Pulang Kampung 12MAR2010

Hampir dua bulan kami menyusun rencana untuk pulang kampung pada tanggal 12 s/d 16 Maret 2010. Seperti tahun lalu tepatnya bulan Maret 2009, tujuan kami pulang kampung tahun ini adalah untuk ketemu dengan adik adik dan famili di kampung, sekalian jalan jalan dan menikmati makanan khas kampung. Tompek Selong, Kueh Lepat, Nagasari, Kueh Talam Ebi atau Gandus, Ongol Ongol, Ruti Berut, Kue Bludar, Tompek Ambor, Empek Empek Udang Beloh Laut, Ikan Bakar dll.
Mau baca kisah lengkapnya silahkan click disini.

e-Invitation Solusi Stationery 06DEC2009
tebetbarat.com mendapat undangan dari Pak Ali MS, Direktur Solusi Tools Shop dalam acara Grand Opening Solusi Stationery (Ritel Alat tulis, Perlengkapan Kantor & Aksessori Komputer). Pada hari Mingu, 6 Desember 2009, jam 10:30 sampai 12:30 WIB dengan alamat Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 104-A, Jakarta Selatan, Telpon 8297383.
Solusi Stationery merupakan pengembangan dari Solusi Tools Shop (Ritel Alat Teknik, Listrik dan Pertukangan).
diundang karena artikel Solusi Tools Shop saya pasang di www.tebetbarat.com/tokobangunan.
Salam Sukses untuk Pak Ali MS dan Solusi Stationery.
sources wikipedia


e-Farm TB512 Farm 25SEP2009

Name Card designed by Winry Marini

Tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran saya untuk berbisnis menggemukkan sapi. Berawal dari mencari sapi untuk qurban tahun lalu, saya berkenalan dengan Bang Udin yang akhirnya kami sepakat untuk bekerjasama bagi hasil 60% dari keuntungan untuk Bang Udin sebagai pemelihara sapi dan saya mendapat 40%.
Awal tahun saya dan Winry mulai membeli dua ekor sapi, sapi banteng susu dan sapi putih yang Insya Allah untuk qurban tahun ini.
Menjelang Idul Fitri, kami sudah mempunyai 14 ekor sapi, dan sekarang tinggal dua ekor, Alhamdulillah walaupun tidak seberapa kami sudah mencicipi hasil bisnis ini.
Mudah mudahan dalam waktu dua bulan ini ada tambahan sapi untuk dipelihara dan dijual menjelang Idul Adha.
Terhitung tanggal 01-OCT-2009 sudah ada tambahan lima sapi putih untuk dijual sebagai qurban dengan istimasi harga tujuh juta rupiah per ekor.

Sebagai pensiunan macam macam bisnis dicoba, yang penting halal dan baik ...... he he :-)

e-Gift T-Shirt Indonesia dan Rendang Istimewa 19SEP2009

Diawali dengan saling tukar pesan lewat Shoutmix, kemudian saya memasang entry iklan gratis Kaos Distro di tebetbarat.com/fashion dan Resep Sedap Sehat di tebetbarat.com/rumahmakan.

Kemudian saya mendapat Hadiah Baju Kaos Indonesia dari Andika Alivano Kaos Distro serta Sample Rendang Istimewa dan Kue Kering dari Mia Arizona
Resep Sedap Sehat. Sungguh suatu anugerah buat saya mendapat Hadiah dari Andika Alivano Kaos Distro dan Mia Arizona Resep Sedap Sehat di bulan Ramadhan 1430H ini.

Andika Alivano
Kaos Distro memberikan garansi atas kualitas kaos distro Youth Cracker dan memberlakukan gratis ongkos kirim ke seluruh Indonesia. Di samping itu Andika memberikan harga semurah mungkin untuk setiap jenis kaos yang dibuat secara limited edition. Jadi kita dapat membeli kaos berkualitas dengan harga yang relatif murah dan didukung oleh pelayanan customer service yang memuaskan.

Mia Arizona Resep Sedap Sehat saat ini sedang menyiapkan proses pemesanan dan pengadaan Makanan Sedap Sehat, mudah mudahan dalam waktu tidak lama lagi kita sudah dapat memesan makanan tersebut secara online (terima pesanan mulai Oktober 2009 updated info 30SEP2009).
Katalog Sedap Sehat.

e-Farm Kampoeng Ternak, 26AUG2009

Ketika lagi searching biogas dan bakalan sapi untuk mencari informasi dan belajar tentang hal tersebut, e malah ketemu Kampoeng Ternak kemudian saya pasang di tebetbarat.com seperti berikut ini, semoga ada manfaatnya:

Pemberdayaan Peternak adalah salah satu bagian dari pengembangan Kampoeng Ternak guna menghidupkan potensi lokal masyarakat yang berbasis peternakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat dhuafa, khususnya di pedesaan. Potensi pasar kambing-domba dan sapi yang cukup besar ini, belum di dukung sepenuhnya oleh ketersediaan stok hewan yang memadai, baik secara kwalitas maupun kwantitas. MORE. tebetbarat.com

e-Friend Kusuma Putra 20AUG2009

Sebagian besar banner dan iklan yang dipasang di tebetbarat.com saya peroleh atas rekomendasi Pak Kusuma Putra, menurut penilaian saya beliau adalah seorang sahabat yang tulus dan suka menolong.
Pak Kusuma Putra memiliki 8 iklan baris, 5 website penjualan dan sebuah blog dengan 600+ kunjungan perhari, Mantap!
Berikut ini komentar Pak Kusuma Putra tentang
Yang saya senang dari website mas Safri adalah karena ada cerita tentang dirinya, keluarganya, dan masa kecilnya di Muntok, Bangka. Tampilan website dan cerita mengenai siapa Safri lah yang pertama kali menarik saya untuk memasang iklan dan banner disana (yah di tebetbarat.com anda juga bisa pasang iklan + banner sekaligus dengan harga murah).
<< Baca Selanjutnya >

e-Folklore Umpit and the Wild Hogs, Folklore from Bangka Belitung 14AUG2009
A long time ago in Bangka, lived a hunter. His name was Umpit. He was called Umpit because he always went hunting using his blowpipe. The villagers liked him very much. Umpit often hunted the wild hogs. Those animals often destroyed the villagers’ plantation. After Umpit killed the wild hogs, the villagers gave him some money.
Meanwhile Pak Raje was the richest man in the village. Nobody liked him. He was very stingy. He did not like to donate his money.
MORE. tebetbarat.com

e-Robot by Original Fajar Design 20JUL2009
Saya mengenal Fajar lewat Shoutmix sebagai sobat chatting dan bertukar salam, lewat shoutmix di tebetbarat.com.
Salah satu keistimewaan Fajar ialah membuat design yang sangat original. Waktu itu banyak design gadis bermacam macam character dengan gaya dan pose yang menarik.
Agar lebih komplit dan memberikan tantangan yang lain untuk Fajar, saya memberanikan diri mengusulkan dan me "request" agar membuat design dengan character robot.
Alhamdulillah akhirnya terciptalah sebuah character robot Clean Edition - The Titans by Original Fajar Design.

Hasilnya Bagus Sekali, semoga Fajar tidak kapok menggambar robot.
MORE. tebetbarat.com

e-Buah iklan lewat internet 15JUL2009
Tebet Business Directory
Akhir bulan Juni 2009 ada sahabat maya yang menghubungi saya lewat YM! dan bertanya apakah saya seorang Excel Macro Professional, karena beliau
akan membuat sebuah project yang harus menggunakan Excel Macro, alamat saya ditemukannya lewat searching google dengan keyword "belajar excel macro" yang link ke tebetbarat.com.

Agak susah juga saya menjawabnya karena standard apa yang harus digunakan, kalau pengalaman mengunakan Excel Macro, saya sudah menggunakannya sejak tahun 1995, kalau pengalaman memberikan training Excel Macro, sudah lebih dari 20 kelas, kalau ukurannya jumlah Excel Macro yang telah dibuat, sudah lebih dari 500.

Akhirnya kami setuju kopi darat dan bertemu di rumah saya. Mula mula kami sepakat untuk bekerjasama menyelesaikan project tersebut, tetapi setelah menyelesaikan beberapa module, akhirnya Project Manager meputuskan agar saya memberikan Excel Macro Training saja selama 15 jam dengan training fee US$ 30.00 per jam.

Alhamdulillah ada hasilnya juga membuat blog Belajar Excel Macro Untuk Pemula, dapat banyak teman konsultasi atau minta tolong lewat YM! dan dapat rezeki walaupun relative tidak banyak, tetapi kalau dibandingkan dengan tarif pemasangan banner sebesar 50 ribu rupiah per tahun lumayan juga lah :)

e-Lingkungan Hidup 05JUN2009
pemenang Hadiah Hiburan Kontes Sahabat Orangutan.
Saya ikut serta menyelamatkan lingkungan mulai dari halaman rumah saya sendiri, sebelum pindah ke Jakarta beserta keluarga kami tinggal di perumaham perusahaan tempat saya bekerja di Rumbai Pekanbaru, mulai tahun 1975 sampai dengan saya pensiun tahun 2004.
Tahun 1978 kami pindah ke rumah tipe I di daerah Tanah Merah, karena kami merasa agak lama tinggal disini,
Tebet Business Directory
saya mulai menanam pohon bunga dan merawat pohon jambu dan mangga yang sudah ditanam oleh penghuni sebelum kami.
Karena banyak waktu luang, terutama saat week end, saya sempat menanam pohon cabe rawit dan terong di halaman belakang.

Tidak berapa jauh dari halaman belakang kami terdapat semak yang ditumbuhi pohon sempor, laban dan belukar lain. Kalau lagi musim berbuah banyak burung punai dan murbah yang datang. Di semak tersebut banyak juga burung murbah yang bersarang, sehingga saya sempat mengajak anak kami Erwin dan Ogi melihat burung membuat sarang, mengerami telurnya dan melihat induk burung memberi makan anak-anaknya. Mudah-mudahan mereka masih ingat karena pada zaman sekarang, sangat jarang sekali kita mendapatkan kesempatan seperti itu, apalagi di kota besar.

e-Pulang Kampung ke Muntok Bangka 06MAR2009
Hampir 45 tahun saya tidak pulang kampung, akhirnya setelah beberapa bulan persiapan diantaranya menghubungi adik kami Noviar Ishak dan memesan online ticket, maka tepat pada hari Jum'at tanggal 06-MAR-2009 bertepatan dengan ulang tahun anak kami Winry, kami memulai perjalanan pulang kampung.

Dulu tahun 1961 dari Muntok ke Jakarta naik kapal laut dan kali ini pertama kali lihat pulau Bangka dari udara, saya tidak dapat membandingkan Banka dulu sama sekarang, tetapi menurut penumpang disebelah saya sebagian hutan Bangka sudah rusak akibat penambangan timah.

Pesawat mendarat di bandara Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang tepat waktu dan adik kami Noviar dan Cita sudah datang menjemput kami. Setelah mengumpulkan barang bawaan kami naik mobil menuju kota, hampir jam sebelas kami sampai di kota dan acara pertama adalah makan siang.
Tebet Business Directory
Adik kami ngajak singgah di rumah makan Masakan Bangka Palapa Raya di jalan Masjid Jamik, mau tahu menunya, mula-mula nasi putih panas satu bakul, ulam timun, selada dan kemangi, ikan singkor bakar dengan sambal belacan pakai limau calong, ikan pari gulai tumis, cumi goreng asam garam, gulai otak, gulai lempah kuning kepala ikan kuwe campur pucuk kedondong, lempah darat komplet ada sulur keladi, labu darat, kacang panjang, terong, nangka muda pokoknya komplet ditambah sambal belacan.
Lah lame lah tebayang bayang makan macam ni, nasi sebakul habis dimakan belime, semua hidangan pas same lidah e orang Bangka .......... hmm sedap nian ok.

e-About Me
Saya lahir di Mentok tahun 1948, Ayah saya Ishak Moesa dan Mak saya Hasnah Djalil. Kakak saya Faridah dan adik-adik saya Tamrin, Erman, Mashuri, Mansur, Rosvita, Noviar dan Rosmala. Kami tinggal di Kampung Keranggan Ulu. Ayah bekerja sebagai karyawan Tambang Timah Bangka sebagai mekanik.

Kakek dari pihak Mak, Djalil (Atok Tebing) berdagang ikan di pasar, setiap hari saya dan adik saya Tamrin ke pasar untuk mengambil ikan dari Kakek, kami mengambil ikan untuk lauk hari itu dan sekalian minta uang jajan sama kakek ... asyik. .... . Biasanya hal tersebut kami lakukan setelah saya dan kakak saya Farida pulang dari mengantar kue ke kedai. Mak membuat laksa dan roti goreng dan pagi pagi sekali kami mengantar ke pasar dan sore harinya kakak saya mengambil hasil penjualan.

Kakek dari pihak Ayah, Moesa (Atok Tanjong) tinggal di kebun kearah mercu suar Tanjung Kelian, kakek dan nenek beternak ayam dan menanam pohon buah-buahan diantaranya Rambutan dan Jeruk Bali. Menurut cerita ayah dulu kakek punya perahu untuk mengambil dagangan dari Jawa dan beliau juga punya kuda untuk menarik gerobak dan biasanya ayah yang bertindak sebagai pengendali kuda.

Tidak jauh dari rumah kami ada sungai kecil tempat kami berenang, memancing dan memanah serta menombak udang. Ada beberapa macam udang yang masih saya ingat, yang paling kecil udang lanji-lanji, kecil dan kulitnya transparant, untuk menangkapnya kami menggunakan jerat mirip lasso.

MORE. tebetbarat.com


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J. Tebet Barat Dalam 40
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Erha 21 Apotik
Jl Tebet Barat Dalam 28
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Tel 829 9427

Rosalia Flora
Jl Tebet Barat IV
Tel 829 4985

AN Salon
Jl Tebet Barat IV 10
Tel 835 7044

Griya Arimbi Salon
Jl Tebet Barat IV 47
Tel 830 9625

Bakso Sehat Bakso Atom
Jl Asem Baris 17
Tel 8378 5454

Bebek Kaleyo
Jl KH Abdullah Syafei 49
Tel 9520 0088

Al Hikmah Medical Centre
Jl Raya Asem Baris 15
Tel 8379 2398

Puskesmas Kec Tebet
Jl Prof Dr Soepomo SH 54
Tel 829 6918

Bimbingan Quantum
Jl Tebet Barat Raya
Tel 831 3104

Purwacaraka Music Studio
Jl Tebet Utara Raya
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Tel 835 5702

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Arlet Laundry & Dry Cleaning Jl. Tebet Barat 5 No. 12, Telp. 83790468, Email safrish@yahoo.com Website click here. Suit, Coat, Safari Suit, Shirt, Trouser, Short Pants, T-Shirt, Neck Tie, Jacket, Sweater, Over Coat, Uniform, Pakaian sehari-hari, Baju Pesta, Kebaya, Mukenah, Sofa, Jok Mobil, Karpet etc.
Y! Messenger Yahoo! Messenger
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Solusi Accounting dan Pajak dalam Satu Paket
Sedia Accounting Software ACCURATE Bisa Multi Currency, Multi Users, Multi Gudang, Multi Proyek. Dapat membuat Neraca sekaligus SPT Masa PPN dan Faktur Pajak. Dapatkan Demo Program Gratis untuk wilayah Jakarta.
Hub. Firdas 021-9625.4545
Yahoo! Messenger atau http://softyes.blogspot.com.
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PT. Mitra Permata Mandiri atau MPM adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang telah berdiri di Jakarta sejak tahun 2005 dan telah menjadi Agen pemasaran beberapa biro Perjalanan Haji dan Umroh. Dan pada tahun 2007 sebagai nasabah dan agen distributor Bank Syariah. Guna meningkatkan Pelayanan pada Mitranya, saat ini PT. MPM telah membuka beberapa kantor cabang/perwakilan di beberapa kota di Indonesia.
Terbuka peluang menjadi agen dan kesempatan Haji/Umrah GRATIS !!!

Segera hubungi Agen Resmi anda: Rinaldy - Jakarta HP. 0815 1155 1955, Email LOY, YM Yahoo! Messenger
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Naturophaty konsep sehat berbahan ORGANIC (non chemical) terbukti ampuh Memulihkan Kanker, Tumor, Sembelit, Wasir, Jerawat, Stroke, Lumpuh, Obesitas, Rematik, Jantung, Lupus, Bintik Penuaan, Flex Wajah, Haid Tidak Normal, Menopouse, Lever, Maag, Pencernaan, Glukomoa, Diabetes, Penyakit Kulit, Insomania Dan Lain Lain, Simak pengobatan nya, Bagaimana Racun (Toxsin) dikeluarkan dari tubuh Anda ....Naturally
Please contact: Yudhi, alamat : sudirman - jakarta, telepon : 081321574629 email : dheddy2007@gmail.com
Website : sehatorganic.blogspot.com
YM : Yahoo! Messenger
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Kini hadir ditengah anda, SATU-SATUNYA JASA PESAN-ANTAR Kebutuhan Daging Sapi Langsung ke Rumah, Kantor atau Tempat Kerja Anda…! Hubungi : 8305983 – 83786701 “EMJE BEEF………BEST QUALITY MEAT” Area Pengiriman Jakarta: Kuningan, Tebet, Pancoran, Kebayoran Baru, Sudirman, Wr.Buncit, Kelapa Gading, Kayu Putih, dan Rawamangun. Bebas Biaya Kirim Untuk Minimum Order: 3 kg/Pengiriman.
Delivery Time: Senin – Jumat : 10.00 – 16.00 WIB Sabtu : 10.00 – 13.00 WIB.

Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafe’I No. 120, Tebet, Jakarta – Selatan
Lebih dekat dengan Anda & mudah dijangkau !! Kami menyediakan kebutuhan daging sapi untuk rendang, steak, BBQ, soup, rawon, iga, baso, buntut, sukiyaki, teriyaki, dll. Berkualitas, hygienis, dan HALAL…!!! Kini, belanja daging pun jadi lebih menyenangkan & mudah…

Anda bisa melihat situs kami di : www.minangjordanindo.com/mjbeef.htm/ YM Sumi atau Rina Yahoo! Messenger
PT. Minang Jordanindo Food Industry: Distributor-Supplier-Retailer Daging Terpercaya di Jakarta.
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Di kursus bahasa Inggris Smart E, metode pembelajaran yang diberikan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan masing-masing anak melalui Placement Test sehingga nantinya anak dapat mengikuti aktivitas belajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar dikelasnya.

Selain itu di kursus bahasa Inggris Smart E anak-anak akan belajar bahasa Inggris secara intensif karena satu kelas hanya diisi oleh maksimum 10 anak. Hal ini semata-mata karena kursus bahasa Inggris Smart E ingin memberikan perhatian yang terbaik mengenai perkembangan bahasa Inggris anak.

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Eno Netral RACER Kids Rock Shop Jl. Soepomo No. 50, Pancoran, Tebet Barat, Telp. 8314112, Email none Website friendster. T-Shirt, Accessories, Music Studio etc

Eno Netral Arlet Music Studio
Telp. 8356184.

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Ninda Kue Onde Onde Lawang Jl. Tebet Barat 9 No. 25, Telp. 98250403, Email afaf_bt@yahoo.com Website click here. Onde-Onde, Sus Vla, Kue Lapis, Nagasari, Kroket, Risol Raquat, Makaroni Sikotel, Sosis Solo, Martabak Telur, Sambosa, Combro, Tahu Isi, Pisang Goreng, Lumpur, Wajik, Dadar Isi Kelapa, Lemper, Lontong etc.
Tebet Business Directory
CV. Aldira adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pemasok Barang dan Jasa, Furniture, Filing Cabinets etc.
Service kami : Pembelian dengan Pembayaran Tunda dan Gratis Biaya Antar
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Coleman Tent
Website: coleman-tent.com

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For busy people like us who live in this modern time, there is much responsibility that we have to many things around us. There is responsibility to our job, which is mean we have to improve our working performance and our quality to made best result for our job. And it's important, knowing the competition level that happen in the business world these days. Also, we have responsibility to the nature, and it's actually become the main task for human to preserve the nature because only them who can do this. But every people has their limit, so their work. And for that, they need some vacation.

And if you ask me what the best vacation for them, I say they have to back to nature and try to relax and enjoy the nature where they're actually come from. And it's mean by doing camp activity. So, what we need for this activity?

There are main and important things that we need for camping, which is tent. Tent becomes our second house and the protection. Coleman tent is one of the best tent products that you can choose. This company has started this production since 100 years ago, so, we can trust to this company's product. So, now you just need to buy the Coleman tent for your camp activity.

There are some choices that you can take for your camping activity. If you have low budget, you can choose the Sundome Coleman tent. This 7' x 7' will perfect for your vacation. With wider room inside and 52 inch height, it fit for 3 people. But you also must be careful for the extreme cold weather when you use this tent. Because it using fiberglass poles, which are tend to broke in cold weather. But, out of that, with the price around $50 plus shipping, this tent will perfect for you.

Second choice, if you want to have vacation with all of your family, you can choose Family Dome Coleman tent. This 14' x 14' tent wide can hold 8 adults, and it has 74 inch height, so you can stand and easily move inside the tent. With two doors make it easy to going in and out. You can have this tent for $160 plus shipping.

To get the best time for your camping activity with Coleman tent, there are many things that you can do to improve its function, like seal it seam for precaution of the heavy rain that may be able to penetrate the protection that Coleman tent give to you. More of that, this tent are worthy to have and use for your vacation.

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Indonesian Folklore
Bujang Katak
Folklore from Bangka Belitung

There was an old woman. She lived alone in her hut. She was a poor farmer. She was getting older and getting weaker. She did not have husband but she prayed to god to give her a son. She hoped her son could help her work in the rice field.
“ God, please give me a son. I really want to have a son although he looks like a frog”, prayed the old woman.
God answered her pray. She was pregnant. Later the baby was born. Surprisingly the baby looked like a frog. His head and his skin were like frog’s head and skin. At first, the old woman was sad. However, later on she was grateful to god. She raised her son with great love. The baby grew as a kind man. He was very strong and obedient to his mother. People called him Bujang Katak. Bujang means a young man and Katak means a frog.
Later Bujang Katak was adult. He wanted to get married. However he did not want to marry the girl in his village. He wanted to marry one of the king’s seven daughters’!
He told his plan to his mother. She was sad. She knew that the king would reject his married proposal. But she did not want to see her son sad. And later they arrived at the palace. Bujang Katak told the king about the married proposal.
“ I really appreciate your courage young man. But I can not make any decision. I will ask my seven daughters to give their opinions and decisions”, said the king.
One by one all the seven daughters talked. The first daughter didn’t say good things about Bujang Katak. She insulted him. “You are so ugly. No wonder people call you Bujang Katak. You really look like a frog. I don’t want to have a husband who looks like a frog”, said the first daughter.
The second daughter also said bad things to him. “You are very poor. I don’t want to have a poor husband”. So the other daughters talked bad things about him.
Finally the youngest daughter had her turn to talk. She was the most beautiful and kindest daughter. She didn’t say bad things about him. She accepted Bujang Katak’s married proposal! “I will marry him, Father” said the youngest daughter to the king.
Everybody was surprised. All the elders’ sisters were laughing at her. The king was shocked! He never thought that one of his daughters would marry Bujang Katak. He wanted to cancel the married. So he asked Bujang Katak to do something very difficult.
“ I will let you marry my daughter but you have to build a golden bridge from your house to this palace”, said the king.
Bujang Katak and his mother went home. His mother was very sad and confused.
“ How can you build a golden bridge, Son?” she asked Bujang Katak. “Don’t worry, Mother. I will pray to God to help me”, said Bujang Katak.
Then Bujang Katak prayed days and nights. One night, amazing things happened. His frog’s skin removed from his body. His head also changed. He became a very handsome man. His mother burned the removed skin. Amazingly the skin changed into gold. They had a lot of gold. Slowly they built a bridge using the gold.
Finally the bridge was built from they house to the king’s palace. The youngest daughter was very happy. Her husband was very handsome and also very rich. He had a lot of gold. All her sisters were jealous. They were even more jealous when the king asked Bujang Katak to be the new king.

Folklore from Bangka Belitung

A long time ago in Bangka Belitung lived a husband and a wife. They were poor and they did not have any children yet. Days and nights they prayed to God. They really wanted to have a child.
“God, please give us a child, even though he is only as big as a little finger,” prayed the husband.
Their dream came true! The wife was pregnant. However they were surprised when they saw the baby. He was so small. He was as big as a little finger.
“You prayed to God to give us a child, although he is as big as a little finger right? Be thankful to God. Let’s love him. How will you name him then?” asked the wife.
“You are right. We have to be grateful. Well, I will name him Kelingking,” said the husband. Kelingking means little finger.
Time passed by and Kelingking did not grow much. His body was still physically small compared to other kids. Though he was so small, Kelingking ate like adults. He ate much food. And that made his parents really worried. They were poor and sometimes they could not eat because they had to give their food to Kelingking.
“I cannot hold it anymore. I want to put Kelingking in the jungle. Let him live there. I think he can survive,” said the father.
In the morning, Kelingking and his father went to the jungle. When they arrived, the father asked Kelingking to cut down a very big tree. When Kelingking was busy cutting down the tree, his father silently went home. The father thought that Kelingking could not cut down the big tree. The father was sure that Kelingking would be lost in the jungle. But he was wrong! In the morning Kelingking suddenly showed up in front of the house. And he brought the big tree also!
“Father, where do you want me to put this big tree?” asked Kelingking. The father was surprised. He asked Kelingking to put the tree in the backyard. Kelingking then went inside the house. As always he ate all the food and that made his father got angry. He then had another idea.
“Kelingking, let’s go to the mountain. I need a big stone from there.” Kelingking was an obedient kid. He followed his father to go to the mountain. When they arrived, his father pointed a big stone. The stone was as big as their house!
“I want you to bring that big stone to our house,” asked the father. When Kelingking was trying to bring the stone, the father immediately ran home. At night, when the father was sleeping , suddenly he heard Kelingking’s voice.“Father, I’m home. Where do you want me to put this big stone?”
This time Kelingking’s father realized his mistake. It was true that Kelingking’s body was small and he ate much food. But he was a nice kid and he had great power. With that power, they could get a job and had a lot of money. The father then apologized to Kelingking. Since then they always worked together. ***

Umpit and the Wild Hogs
Folklore from Bangka Belitung


A long time ago in Bangka, lived a hunter. His name was Umpit.
He was called Umpit because he always went hunting using his blowpipe. The villagers liked him very much. Umpit often hunted the wild hogs. Those animals often destroyed the villagers’ plantation. After Umpit killed the wild hogs, the villagers gave him some money.
Pak Raje was the richest man in the village. Nobody liked him. He was very stingy. He did not like to donate his money. One day he asked Umpit to hunt the wild hogs. Umpit agreed. At night he was prepared and waited at the Pak Raje’s plantation.
While he was waiting, suddenly seven wild hogs entered the plantation. Umpit prepared his blowpipe.
Then, whoosssh! One of the hogs was shot.
Amazingly, the hog disappeared.
Umpit could not find the hog anywhere.
However he found blood shed on the ground. He followed the blood trail. It went to the jungle. Finally the blood trail stopped in a big cave. Slowly he entered the cave. Then he heard a voice.
“ Who are you?”
“ My name is Umpit.
I’m looking for a wounded hog. I shot it using my blowpipe.”
“ So, it’s you! You are the man who hurt my daughter!”
Slowly a woman appeared in front of him.
“ Come, follow me,” said the woman.
She then pointed a girl. She was wounded. Her leg was bleeding.
“ She was not a real hog. We are the goddess of the jungle. I will forgive you, but you have to cure my daughter.”
Umpit was so scared. He did not know that it was not the real hog. He then took some leaves. He knew some medication because his parents taught him before.
He put the leaves on the wound. After a while, the girl was cured. The woman then gave Umpit a present. Umpit immediately went home. He ran very fast.
At home, Umpit immediately opened the present. Wow! He got jewelries, gold and diamond. Umpit sold the jewelries and now he became a rich man.
Pak Raje heard that Umpit had become a rich man. He asked Umpit how he became rich. After he knew all about it, he borrowed Umpit’s blowpipe.
He waited at his plantation, and he shot a wild hog.
He followed the blood trail and arrived at the cave. He met the woman and the injured girl. Pak Raje was asked to cure the girl. But he could not do that, and that made the woman angry. She asked all the wild hogs to attack Pak Raje.
Pak Raje ran very fast. He went to Umpit’s house. He asked Umpit to help him from the wild hogs. He agreed to help if only Pak Raje donated some of his money. Pak Raje said yes and he also promised he would be helpful to the villagers. ***

Putri Pinang Gading
Folklore from Bangka Belitung


A long time ago in Belitung, there were a couple of husband and wife. The husband was a fisherman. The husbands name was Pak Inda and the wife’s name was Bu Tumina. They lived alone in their house. They did not have any children.
Pak Inda always went fishing in the morning. And in one morning as always he went to the sea. On the way there, he stumbled on a stick of bamboo.
This is dangerous. Someone may get hurt with it, said Pak Inda. He threw the bamboo to the sea. Then he continued walking. Again, he stumbled on a bamboo. “Why are there a lot of bamboos here?” asked Pak Inda to himself. He wanted to throw the bamboo to the sea. Before he did that, he looked at the bamboo carefully. I think this is the same bamboo I threw awhile ago. How can it be here again? Pak Inda was confused. He then threw the bamboo to the sea. Amazingly the bamboo kept on coming back to him. He knew that this bamboo was different from other bamboos so he brought it home. At home, Pak Inda told his wife about the bamboo. Bu Tumina suggested him to put the bamboo in a box. They put the box in their bed room. In the morning, they heard a baby crying. Pak Inda and Bu Tumina looked everywhere to find the baby. Finally they found a baby girl inside the box where they put the bamboo. However the bamboo was gone.
Pak Inda and Bu Tumina were very happy. They named the baby girl Putri Pinang Gading. Pak Inda and Bu Tumina took care of her with great love. Even though Putri Pinang Gading was their only child, they did not spoil her.
They taught her to be independent. They also taught her how to protect herself from wild animals. That was why Putri Pinang Gading grew as a great girl. One day, a giant bird attacked their village. The bird was wild. It hurt many people. Nobody dared to kill the giant bird. Putri Pinang Gading knew she had to do something. She wanted to kill the bird.
Be careful my daughter. We love you very much and we don’t want anything bad happen to you. Here, take this arrow with you. The arrow has poison and it can kill the bird. Just aim it at the bird’s heart, said Pak Inda. He knew his daughter could do that.
She was skillful with arrows. Putri Pinang Gading then went to the village. She was waiting for the bird. The villagers were scared. They asked her to be careful. Suddenly, the giant bird was flying right above her. The bird tried to attack her. Putri Pinang Gading then prepared her arrow. She aimed at the bird’s heart.
Wooosshhh! The arrow hit the bird’s heart! The bird fell on the ground and died instantly. The villagers were very happy. They thanked Putri Pinang Gading for her great action. On the ground where the giant bird fell, bamboo plants grew. The bamboos were poisonous. Later the villagers named the area as Membalong. It means poisonous bamboos. Membalong is now a district in Bangka Belitung. ***


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